Awesome beyond measure, L'aryensoufi. When I was a very young whelp I would lay on the grass on my back and stare at the sky. Even as a small child, I perceived it to be the domed prison that it is. Fuck Yahweh, Jew-hovah, Brahma, Allah, Shiva ad nauseum or whatever handle the featherless bipeds want to give their cosmic jailer they so supinely profess to adore along with his archonic, sycophantic scumbags. Let them continue to reincarnate (recycle) into the oblivion they deserve. For us and those like us, this is a very temporary aberration, a pimple on the ass of eternity. Where we will traverse, there is no beginning and no ending.

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"A PIMPLE ON THE ASS OF ETERNITY"! Really, I liked that one! A good title for a forthcoming essay. Thanks Hereticdrummer for such an apt & miraculously clever commentary.

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You are more than welcome, L'aryensoufi, and thank you.

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Heretic when are we gonna get some essays from you? It ain't like you're not good enough with that keyboard.

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Thank you, Jack. You are too kind with your evaluation. To paraphrase/quote: If I have seen farther than other men, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants. Those of us who can truly see have been blessed by the gods.

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Well said! But me too. I'm still waiting for a Hereticdrummer essay. Even if standing yonder on those giants' shoulders. I'm certain from up there you can see quite far. Though if one is too "high", sometimes the occasional clouds in between, might get in the way!

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by l'aryensoufi

First, I like the response, I know exactly what are you talking about, but you forget I have seen the war, not on television but in real life. There are no winners in this war, none. I am capable of extreme violence if needed but I hate violence with every fiber of my being...so if I cant prevent the war I will.

I am not talking about hope or faith, fuck faith, and fuck hope but about knowing...

In war people who you love the most, will die with almost 70% chance, sometimes even 100%.

Yes, it is called an afterlife machine for reason, I trained myself to write as simplified as I can, if I'm gonna write like you, who will understand me 3 or 4 people?

I mean you are an excellent writer, and you should write more, much more.

If we are not successful all of you especially in Western Europe will get a chance to fight including Americans.

In my experience many people who are loud are mostly shite on the battlefield, I hope you never get the chance to see war, it is not pretty, to put it mildly.

I know you are not a coward, quite the opposite, but ask yourself what are you willing to give your Son, grandson, wife, mother, or daughter to the God of War?

The last thing is this is not a rant, I don't like drama...I like the response...and you are not wrong but if there is another way i certain will try that solution.

First, I like the response, I know exactly what are you talking about, but you forget I have seen the war, not on television but in real life. There are no winners in this war, none. I am capable of extreme violence if needed but I hate violence with every fiber of my being...so if I cant prevent the war I will.

I am not talking about hope or faith, fuck faith, and fuck hope but about knowing...

In war people who you love the most, will die with almost 70% chance, sometimes even 100%.

Yes, it is called an afterlife machine for reason, I trained myself to write as simplified as I can, if I'm gonna write like you, who will understand me 3 or 4 people?

I mean you are an excellent writer, and you should write more, much more.

If we are not successful all of you, especially in Western Europe will get a chance to fight including Americans.

In my experience many people who are loud are mostly shite on the battlefield, I hope you never get the chance to see war, it is not pretty, to put it mildly.

I know you are not a coward, quite the opposite, but ask yourself what are you willing to give your Son, grandson, wife, mother, or daughter to the God of War?

The last thing is this is not a rant, I don't like drama...I like the response...and you are not wrong but if there is another way i certain will try that solution.

I will even crosspost this if you wish, there is no problem.

We can always have WAR, in war, there are no winners...in this war 200-300 soldiers will die from one rocket, and they will never get the chance to fight as men...f this war.

This is not a way for soldiers to die, it will be a cowardly nasty war and people will be mostly cannon fodder.

Yes, it is all an illusion, it is all a mirage but it will feel very real when it happens if it happens in this way.

Ragnarok is on the doorstep and the wolf is hungry but what if Ragnarok is just an excuse for another war...can we trust anything that has been written?

Can we?

Or we must assume everything that has been written has been defiled and perverted so Ragnarok can manifest itself in a bloody affair.

Again I like the response/answer to my ramblings and I really wish you would write more.

All the best and Good luck.

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A really wonderful reply. Excellent!

I'm not seeking in any way what so ever a WAR! NEVER! But I would rather my kids hate EVIL and all its progenitor, risk all their being for TRUTH, than to bow down to civil servants and their likes, or this world of UN-being. But that doesn't mean they agree with me!

I, for myself, was only violent when on a footbal turf ! I never went to war. Never fought for the ruiners of DIGNITY. Never fought for any financed hypocrisy.

But I believe, that when you have to, for Love of FAMILY & FRIEND, & mostly for the TRUTH of our RIGHT TO PERSONAL SOVEREIGNTY of Spirit, Soul & Body which in a nut shell isn't any different, that there cannot be any other choice! Otherwise like you're sayin', what a shit hole hypocrite I'd be. Then shame on me. But who knows?

I see a child drowning in a lake, and I jump, dive into the water. I don't even think twice; & believe me I'm a very bad swimmer!

I know myself sufficiently, to say that what I write, I say in the daytime, I say in the nighttime; what I say I do, what I can't do means I shut my mouth. I'm no special forces soldier. I don't know any karate or Kung Fu. But give me an AXE to grind, and I'll chop the WOOD and make a fire. I'll dirty my hands. To honor Truth. Perhaps that's why, with my good guy bleu eyes, most people avoid me!

I'm really grateful for your honesty and epistolary balls!

I appreciate your linguistic BRAVERY! Thanks a 1,000,000! The best to you as well! Suerte Companero !

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023Liked by l'aryensoufi

Wow l'aryensoufi...

Firstly, brilliant prose and all from the heart, Merci beaucoup mon ami.

Secondly, I am loving this concept of a post to expound/elaborate/contest others posts directly, instead of via just comments. It produces a wonderful communal effort type feel, and a better way of expression then pure comments sections.

Now, I fully appreciate what you are saying, and indeed I do agree with most of what is said.

However, as HP remarked in his comment here, although much feels like a foregone conclusion these days, nothing is set in stone, and all possibilities remain open until closed. Including our futures...

We may find ourselves in a perverted simulation of a life, we may be miserable excuses for an existence, and not worthy of saving...

If saving was ever an option.

But, this is the only experience of existence many will ever know (many die without ever realising they were never alive in the first place, humans not even having spiritual experiences, let alone realising their eternal spiritual nature).

Trapped on the karmic wheel within this prison planet in an aborted universe slated for closure. They will never evolve to see God come and play again, they will never see that this is hell and there is no heaven, and will pass with the passing of this planet and kosmos (because they are already soulless and spirtless).

But for those of us with eyes to see, is it not a duty to try to open the eyes of others?

If the journey is an internal one, and a solitary path, then surely it is virtuous to aid as many others onto the track as possible?

The more that do the work, the better for all concerned, surely?

The kingdom of heaven is within Man, nothing or nowhere else.

But man is a product of this Earth, and only by living can he undertake the work, and only through death can the work be realised.

Therefore, although 'we' cannot escape, those who walk the path and do the work in this life, may have a chance after death to avert having to repeat themselves through manifested existence again. Or, alternatively (as you say, tomorrow will never come), another day might...

I cannot stop the turning of the wheel, not that I have a desire to do so.

But I can make the days that are left worth living (regardless of what the rest of the world does), and I believe that with the Relentless turning of the wheel some of humanity always survives to birth the new age. Survived and changed. So what's better for the future age - survivors with no idea, or survivors who know the score?

As for the deviant gods known as planets, I agree with you completely. As an astrologer I look to their movements for guidance but my life is not ruled by them (well, if you exclude the sun and moon I'm not).

Despite my way of writing, I believe that these planetary influences are to be overcome, conquered, and then utilised by Man, instead of us being at their whim.

In order to do so, requires a dedicated body, mind, spirit, and soul who can work through this chaos of life, with all its contradictions and strangeness.

If I could do a lucifer and be banished from all systems of prognostic action I would have already. But, like everyone else I'm stuck here, in disgust, and anger.

We have no free will, we have no salvation, and we have no control or power here on Earth...

Even with war this fact will never change, but we can change.

We can master our reality, and we can master our immediate conditions of life.

The future may be a foregone conclusion, but like the coming age of aquarius, there is no fixed date for the turning of the wheel, and no fixed vision of what the age will be like...

So we have time, and we have possibility.

With all things possible, we can potentially change to vision if not the outcome. But in order to do so, we are forced to work within the Martian debacle as cattle. There is no other way.

Knowing what I have learnt, I can't just sit and wait for the coming tomorrow, I cannot not try to help others, and more importantly myself.

Although I am an eternal spiritual being having an earthly human experience, its my experience by choice, its my moment of being, and I'm just trying to make the most if it whilst I can remember what I am.

Like you my friend, I have not seen war firsthand, although I have been a first responder for disasters and with the ambulance service, so I have seen horrors that others haven't. But, I'm not looking forward to the looming war, I don't want to have to fight, but I will, as I plan to survive for a little longer in this dead shell of mine.

And that's the crux here. Even knowing the truth, it's this glimpse of material life right now that matters, and making the most of its short lived moment.

It's protecting and teaching those I love to be more human, its showing others what I think I know, so that they can add to the whole (like this brilliant post here), and it's about fighting the material demons here on earth (for me at least), as I do not currently have the ability to face Saturn or Mars, let alone the demiurge...

I can't change what I can't control, but I can control what I try to change here..

Merci pour ce post L'aryensoufi, tu m'as fait réfléchir à mes propres mots et pensées, et même à mon propre but - qui est un merveilleux cadeau à recevoir, alors merci mon bon ami.

P.S. Lovely stained glass window, these little old churches are treasure troves for such beauty, and meaning...

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Really GOOD to hear from you my friend!

Those without the spirit or the GHOST of a Heart are condemned. But obviously, not all Mankind finds itself inside that predicament. Because, when you speak or write, there are those within whom the GHOST is already alive yet waiting for the wisdom match that'll ignite the sleepy embers.

But on a road there are many stones. Some look awfully ordinary and without the least importance & yet! ...a crystal god thrives within: like a stone broken in half, can reveal the most wonderful crystalline structures. That's the heart of a LUCIFER been thrown into the dreary obligation of physical incarnation mixed with those who have deviated the HUMAN Creation of GOD on and in the EARTH.

But woe what within, a Lord lives unsuspected amongst the common communal human chaff where stones unturned abide without an ounce of compassionate light inside.

We speak for those who'll have the decent MODESTY to listen. To the humble hearts of the great magicians of now & the days to come. Who at this very moment, are creating the SPATIAL VITAL TIME on another PLANE.

Those who listen to you or to Jack & or to Hp, or to Loki for that matter, if they're decent folk, will fight, not to kill the unlearned and stupid souless animal pleb, but in the hope that the Souls of the unwanted LUCIFERS in our midst, catch FIRE and might burn with a divine wrath the hopelessness of all bodily redemption. The Soul and the GHOST is ours, the corpses belong to Satan, & the Demiurge is only capable of making village cemeteries.

Of course all that jive, is just my personal divagation. No one has to listen.

What really makes me happy, is that we're capable of reflection. Of rational Thought, albeit in an abstruse & uncanny manner! Thank you again for your excellent thoughts. Salut.

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My sincere apologies for the very timely delay in responding l'aryensoufi, that was very remiss of me...

C'est bon d'être de retour mon ami, j'ai beaucoup à rattraper !

These words struck a chord with me:

"... if they're decent folk, will fight, not to kill the unlearned and stupid souless animal pleb, but in the hope that the Souls of the unwanted LUCIFERS in our midst, catch FIRE and might burn with a divine wrath the hopelessness of all bodily redemption."

Such truth...

The embers of the Fire that burns within all needs fanning to enrich the flame.

By such measure does the path lay...

Dead men walking, aflame with the water of life, and fixed on purpose will bring the reflection needed for Man to look beyond the broken mirror.

Il semble qu'il nous incombe aujourd'hui de montrer aux autres la différence entre regarder dedans et regarder à travers le miroir...

Nous, satellites de l'amour à la lumière de lucifer.

Porte-toi bien mon ami, et merci pour ce format, je te copierai peut-être à l'avenir car c'était une brillante évolution de notre métier.

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...je rougie encore, all flushed! Twa ossi porte twa b'en! Salut.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by l'aryensoufi

The WORk is a-play from day to day. Ever notice the freshness and connectivity amongst young children who have yet to have come under the full spell of multigenerational imposition of adulteration?

The status of most adults, so-called, therefore, is that of adulterated children. Pity that, that the Matrix has this interplanetary and inter dimensional hold upon the masses of deliberately dumbed-down participants in the "rules-based order" of free-dumbs within the vise-grips of serfdom.

In the other game, the one of REAL-EYE-ZING the ascending status of awakening to the reality of one's own god-line-us of being a co-creator as likely being the intent of Creator's most playful genesis of In-Divided-You-Alls wish for to no longer be solitary in the processes of creation.

Yes. Tis a game....of sorts...a matter of sorting out the wheat from the chaff, the latter being those of limited spirit cadeuceating with the DNA messages of parental ensoulment within a newborn being.

Each soul-etude assignment is towards mutual re-creation of the ensouled one, the constant, with the variable being that spirit which has terminologically united with that DNA patterned one...entered that particular fray to more deeply ensoul the short-lived individuality at a deeper level and to become effectually a proving-grounds in the grounding of the spirit in coherence with the soul.

Whitman had some insights into the manifold reality of the spirit...and perhaps of the soul as well. Bob Dylan, in one of his many multidimensional excursions, wrote and sang about the spirit and the soul. Though they may have danced together in more than a single lifetime instance, those disparate entities are not each time moving to the same beat, tempo, melody-line, or higher harmonics. The process is dialectical.

Another Planet wave from Dylan is "Forever Young". Such a benediction. That is the essence of the reunification of spirit with soul...In another lifetime, the promise is ever there...yet the premise of the promise does not always emerge into fullness of accord.

According to which alleged "authority" do those media-mesmerized masses fall into the accordance of full fellowship with the script. Inscriptions on vellum or parchment are no more real or holy than fingers dancing on a keyboard. One must needs get on board with the key, if not the "holy" scribes and scripture lectures.

Youth and truth and beauty. First one is held as hostage in a government schooling institution. Second one ran for politix and currently follows diligently the party line and lies more than occasionally...totally on message. Beauty is usually stripped from males by the second decanate and in females is painted on by nostrums laden with toxic chemicals to attract those beauty-lorn males in quest for shelter from a hostile world.

Such a world we live in. Yet, spirit persists...and even manages to pop up in unexpected incarnations and situations.

Been listening for the sixth time to stories of Indigenous Native American prophesies which were presented in a gathering of tribal peoples some 40 years ago. It can be found on You-Tube, of all places. Also recently picked up on something similar coming from an Aboriginal Australian source...a people whose oral traditions have been in safekeeping for something like 40,000 years.

Both traditions tell us that big cities are not a place to keep spirit and soul together into the not too distant future...the soul dissolving with the body if the DNA has not already made its way into those who have left those doomed cities for the mountains or other localities far from the madding crowd.

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Thank you l'aryensoufi for elucidating with refined eloquence Lucifers attitude toward the stars, more or less they don't tell me I tell them. Interesting how Marduk/Lucifer is much reviled by the Christians even though he saved the world from Tiamat. I don't think the Christians are going to get that lucky again but I'm hoping those who are the slaves of the stars get another chance. Maybe I'm getting soft...

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Did you know Jack, that in the early Middle Ages, one of the principle Names of the "Aryan" Krist/Xrist FIGURE, was LUCIFER/PHOSPHOROS ? Certain manly qualities of the so-called Jesus the Jode were and are of an indubitable ARYAN ORIGINATION. They are not in the least yod-fish. Afterwards you & I know that THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN is like a LIGHTNING BOLT/FLASH, PURE VAJRA: thunder fire & total destruction of ALL PRETENTIOUS VANITY. The Good and Noble Heart is a GOD INCARNATE. No fear. Not of DEATH. Not of Life.

And the HATRED for all LIES.

The rising & setting STAR, is LUCIBEL, the Torch Bearer, PROMETHEUS. The Eternal & damned higher Consciousness of True Man, fallen and risen: the upward or downward STAR. The Pilgrim's LANTERN.

The Civil Servant's universal church then, for reasons of love of the fallen self of all the unconscious cattle brains, mutilated the Verbum Dei. Making believe if you become a cry baby, God 'll come & flatter you in your tragic egotistical and very PROUD saddness. What was HOLY & of NOBLE anatomy, both spiritual & necessarily quite beautiful physically, were made into a molasses of Carphanaum. To please the social spiritual weaklings of all 4 races of MANKIND.

They take from you what is yours. Then make you believe, they gave it to you. Or that they can take it away.

The way of the Spiritual Combattant is NOT for all and sundry. We are born to trodden this terrifying and very awful path! Because of what we are to this World, we cannot flee from ourselves: the ARYAN in nature and deed.

All religions were conceived & created for those who have no HIGHER SELF aka the GOD of BEING.

But then again, there's no need my sayin' all this, like they say in French, "c'est comme vouloir enfoncer une porte ouverte".


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Sometimes one must push an open door in order that it may stay open l'aryensoufi. I say we blow a hole in it for permanence. Let those that have ears to hear hear something else besides the lies of their pampered and effeminate overlords.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by l'aryensoufi

The planets are a dance, with a stretch and balance. As humans with free will, we have the power to lean into the wind, or blow with it like a boat at sea. We control the rudder and the sails.

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No man has Free Will, if he doesn't reclaim it! Only GOD has a FREE WILL; no mortal creature can attain to Free Will. But if we're smart & honest enough, we can start doing something about that, then,...well then you'll have to fight "bec & ongle" with the Furies/Parks/NORNS of these predestined times, and steal God's Free Will from HIM! Or somehow trick him into giving it to you. I call that LE DON DE DIEU, a GIFT FROM GOD.

He might get reluctant. But that's okay, because HE's GOD.

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Interesting and thought provoking.

Our physical bodies are living in a kind of grand machine -- the physical world. And our consciousness exists in a kind of machine (our body). Since machines don't create themselves, this implies a creator. The Gnostics would tell you that creator is the Demiurge. The blind god. An inept god, with many of the same basic flaws that human beings have. But, hey, the Demiurge has some hits along with the misses. Nobody bats a thousand.

Well, nobody except . . . whatever is the True God . . . bats a thousand. The Original Source. The funny thing is WE ARE IT, and somehow, we have entered into this physical dance across the nonexistence of Time and Space, perhaps of our own free will (who knows?).

But one thing is clear: we are not on a spinning globe surrounded by an infinity of spinning globes. Debunking Heliocentrism is as easy as taking candy from a baby. The fact that Ivy league universities are issuing eggheads who fail to do this is indicative of the efficiency of the indoctrination here in MACHINE WORLD. As well as illustrating the utter lack of critical thinking in even the most impressive cerebral athletes.

We are existing in some kind of grand, staged, play. We are existing in a mystery. We ARE mystery.

When I started down the rabbit hole of conspiracy research many years ago, it was mostly done to debunk the idiots who challenged my 'reality'. The crazy people who doubted we had sent men to the moon, the Flat Earthers who denied we lived on a spinning ball, the morons who claimed Paul McCartney was swapped out with an imposter in 1966, etc. Now I know men didn't land on the moon, the world is not a spinning ball, and Paul McCartney was swapped out in 1966. I am not even sure if JFK was assassinated on that November day in 1963. In certain scenes in the Zapruder film, it appears as if JFK is attaching a squib on his face. A squib is a Hollywood make-up effect that simulates gunshot wounds.

Hence, I've dubbed the world I live in "Psy Opia".

Yes, we are living in a Grand, Staged Play.

What the stars really are . . . is a mystery. I used to think Astrology was for idiots, and Astronomy was for intelligent people, now, I know Astrology is for intelligent people, and Astronomy is for idiots.

Perhaps we are physical manifestations of those stars, down here in MACHINE WORLD?

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...as for the squib on the face of JFK, I can't but agree with you all too much!

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What a wonderful commentary!

Perhaps the stars are each what the Zoroastrians called in the Zend Avesta, the Xvarnah of the Soul. The Bright other, each luminous cloak up there, the Shadow Bright of our personal very personal Holy Genius (Daïmon).

The Valkyria of the Brave.

There are 2 kinds of Human, (believe me words are just words, when we pretend to define what "this Pimple on the Ass (an ass is a donkey, & is an image of brut stupidity( see Lucius' the Golden Ass)) of ETERNITY" is & means):

1) The mere modelled patterns ressembling the gods, of the great PSY-OPIA, as you call it, who are but electrically charged dummies. Clay figures, who are just biological geometrical structures embedded into the carbon based flesh. They are part & parcel of the great ferocious flux of THINGS. Here in the circle of GENERATION, dear to the Orphics.

2) Those who are not of this World FLUX. I like to say in French, they're "Hors-Jeu". Something like "Le Mat" in the Tarot of Marseille. The Constellation of ORION, with the great doggy following just behind. You see, I agree with you about Astrology. & thus things are just predicatble cycles. The 12 HOUSES. The 12 SIGNS. The TWELVE CONSTELLATIONS. The 7 or 10 planets, going backwards. But Orion is outside the ZODIACAL STRIP. He's outside the World Belt of PREDETERMINATE things. Like the so-called FOOL, or Le Mat (in Arabic, Mat means death; in Egyptian it means TRUTH), the Trickster (and I don't mean the flim-flam car salesman or Cassanova), is a symbolical figure of HERMES, or ODINN. He is a UNIVERSAL Singular Soul. He is the Magician. But there again, he's not just some vulgar stage magician or CHEAT.

He symbolizes the way out thru the IN DOOR. The Holy Hole in the Living FABRIC.

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First, I like the response, I know exactly what are you talking about, but you forget I have seen the war, not on television but in real life. There are no winners in this war, none. I am capable of extreme violence if needed but I hate violence with every fiber of my being...so if I cant prevent the war I will.

I am not talking about hope or faith, fuck faith, and fuck hope but about knowing...

In war people who you love the most, will die with almost 70% chance, sometimes even 100%.

Yes, it is called an afterlife machine for reason, I trained myself to write as simplified as I can, if I'm gonna write like you, who will understand me 3 or 4 people?

I mean you are an excellent writer, and you should write more, much more.

If we are not successful all of you, especially in Western Europe will get a chance to fight including Americans.

In my experience many people who are loud are mostly shite on the battlefield, I hope you never get the chance to see war, it is not pretty, to put it mildly.

I know you are not a coward, quite the opposite, but ask yourself what are you willing to give your Son, grandson, wife, mother, or daughter to the God of War?

The last thing is this is not a rant, I don't like drama...I like the response...and you are not wrong but if there is another way i certain will try that solution.

I will even crosspost this if you wish, there is no problem.

We can always have WAR, in war, there are no winners...in this war 200-300 soldiers will die from one rocket, and they will never get the chance to fight as men...f this war.

This is not a way for soldiers to die, it will be a cowardly nasty war and people will be mostly cannon fodder.

Yes, it is all an illusion, it is all a mirage but it will feel very real when it happens if it happens in this way.

Ragnarok is on the doorstep and the wolf is hungry but what if Ragnarok is just an excuse for another war...can we trust anything that has been written?

Can we?

Or we must assume everything that has been written has been defiled and perverted so Ragnarok can manifest itself in a bloody affair.

Again I like the response/answer to my ramblings and I really wish you would write more.

All the best and Good luck.

Sorry,this one is not copy pasted.

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