Thank you, L'aryensoufi, this is greatly appreciated. No man and movement has been smeared more with the filthy lies of the Talmudic tar brush than Adolph Hitler and National Socialism. The glorious attempt to rip the claws of the Judaic beast off of Aryan throats in this dark, Kali Yuga and hurl it into the maws of the demiurgic void from whence it came. With all of the violence and carnage that conflict engendered, it will pale as a skirmish when Ragnarok comes to the fore. 88!

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Excellent l'aryen I will cross post in about 12 hours. I don't agree with the first part though. National Socialism was anything but Chistian at its core, although its values were complementary, outside the worship of a jew as god. Starting with Hitler and ending with Rahn these men were all highly trained mystics, much as yourself...

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I agree with you in essence, Jack, but that is tempered by my view that archetypal Christianity was totally unlike the version that has devolved to us today. The whites of ancient eras knew that the Christ was a white God for white people and had nothing to do with the Jews. He was more akin to Wotan than the Hebraic sissy he is portrayed as now. The chozen pipple very cleverly and diabolically co-opted and transmuted the Solar Aryan Christ, as Master Serrano referred to Him, into a passive wimp and his warrior spirituality into a Jew worshipping, love thy nigger, mongrel, and pervert pathos. The ultimate weapon to promote miscegenation for Aryans and to emasculate them in the face of their racial enemies who overtly pledge and move to destroy them. The bottom line is that any religious faith or spirituality, which is the highest emanation of a people's culture, that does not have at its major tenets the preservation and will to prevail for a race at its' core, is worthless, evil, and should be jettisoned posthaste.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by l'aryensoufi

Excellent video,the first man who really wanted to drain the swamp and the world pulled the plug on him, I have a ww2 picture of Adolph Hitler hanging in my home ,I love watching the reaction of people who view it

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Thanks for this my friend.

I'll make the time to watch over the weekend, in fact I've got my youngest brother in law coming up this weekend, and he's in need of an education..

In the meantime, here's a tune for today...


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Weimar Germany =/- Yeltzin Russia, something to ponder

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404 page not found....thx anyway.



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This woman is a catholic agent not to be trusted

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